Tuesday, September 6, 2011

McKay's NOT first day of Kindergarten

I didn't expect to feel any these feelings today.  I really did great not thinking about it all summer long--well, except when some mom friend of mine would exclaim how excited she was to send her child to his/her first day of kindergarten and how much easier life would become with at least a few extra hours a day to herself.  I can't imagine, I would say.  No, I really can't.  Then, would life really get easier without my son McKay?  He's just getting old enough to help!  I've never wavered in my desire to home school my kids--nope, never really planned on sending them to public school, yet, to be fair to everyone, I looked into the local elementary school here, which happens to be next door, a stone's throw away, and it's only for 2 1/2 hours each day.  Why don't I jump on that?  It's FREE child care!  I know, it's the hardest, yet easiest decision I've ever had to make.  Hard, because it's made on faith, and it means a lion's share of responsibility on my part.  Easy, because I know God's is pleased with our decision to home school.  Easy, because it's right, and things are falling into place.  Hard, because it's a lonely job sometimes--there's no a lot of home schoolers in my immediate area.  Easy, because I have some incredible family and mentor support.

But, no, my child is not going to his first day of Kindergarten tomorrow.  No school lunch, no new outfit, no new backpack filled with fresh new school supplies.  No apple for the teacher, no new friends and new stories.

But YES, I get to have my beautiful child with me at home for another year.  Another year to teach him right and wrong, true and false, good and bad.  Another year to strengthen relationships with God and family.  Another year to inspire honorable character and service to others.

Sad, a little.  Grateful and at peace?  Yes.