Thursday, July 15, 2010

How we plan to teach our young kids about money

So, McKay is already interested in money. It started in the store when he wanted something I wouldn't buy him. I'd say, "I don't have money for that. Do you? You'll need to buy that with your own money." Then he'd say, "Why don't you go buy some money?" or "Write a check." I had to laugh but realized he may be ready for some lessons in earning and spending money. I started checking these books out from the library since I am a HUGE Dave Ramsey fan and McKay LOVED them. Especially the one called "The Super Red Racer," about how a boy named Junior earns money from working to buy his own red bike. McKay's interest was now peaked. I decided to buy the whole children's book set so we didn't have to keep going to the library to get them. They came yesterday in the mail and immediately he wanted to read the others we hadn't been able to check out from the library.

Along with the storybooks, I decided to try out the kid version of Financial Peace University (for Adults) called Financial Peace Jr. (Teaching Kids About Money!) and I'm so excited to get started on it! I have recently implemented a chore system for McKay where if he does his chores each day he gets paid a "commission" (currently, I pay 5 cents a day) and he's totally motivated! It does take more work on my part to help him get through his chores each day but my feeling is that it will be totally worth the time I put in.

I'll let you know how things go with this kit--I'm really excited to get started! And who knows, maybe Dan and I will learn something too!


  1. Cool. Love to check out the books sometime when over. Tyler loves to save up his money for stuff and it helps with the gimmies. Now if he were only more motivated to do chores...

