Wednesday, September 29, 2010

McKay discovers MATH!

Introducing math to McKay has been a unplanned technique spanning many months. I bought a few "math games" from the Lakeshore Learning Store months ago and he "plays" with them every once in awhile. In the car sometimes we randomly give him equations to figure out in his mind or on his fingers. It's always been a fun thing to do. Someone gave me some old math textbooks with rip-out tests and quizzes some time ago. I decided to show him the book yesterday and he has been wanting to do it non-stop! Mostly number recognition, addition problems, larger or smaller than, etc.,-type stuff but numbers non-the-less! He follows me around the house with the book asking for help, even taking it in the car to work on. We've also been checking books out from the library about money and coins and that has also introduced some numbers and math to him. One thing that has also helped is our neighbor has a pretty snazy remote-control car that McKay recently decided he wanted and now he's "saving up" to buy one (a much cheaper one of course!) and that is quite the incentive for him to be able to save and count his money earnings (from the chores he does). Kind of fun to watch the growth. It's nothing I'm forcing, but I'm trying to find ways to inspire him with numbers.

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