Wednesday, September 8, 2010

McKay's Chore and Commission Chart

Today I updated McKay's Chore Chart. (I have time for this because Grandma took both boys last night for a "sleepover"--yeah!) I am trying to incorporate Dave Ramsey's plan for teaching kids about money. If you click on the chart you'll be able to see it bigger. So, the Wake-up and Bedtime Routines are just expected--part of being a Webb Family member. But the other chores are commission based. To start out, McKay can earn 5 cents per chore per day for the ones that he does that day. Ramsey also included a "Fines" section in his plan (where a kid can have money deducted for bad behavior), but I don't want to focus on that with McKay to begin with. I'd rather start out completely positive. I hope to be better about paying him each week and then helping him divide his earnings between "Spending," "Savings," and "Giving" (tithing). We may even open a little bank account for him--we'll see how it goes. Feel free to check in and see how it's going if you're curious!

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